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  • Writer's pictureStar Trek Gigi

Sexy Star Trek: Mudd’s Women

Star Trek Mudd's Women

In the fan-favorite episode "Mudd's Women," the USS Enterprise encounters the charming and mischievous trader, Harry Mudd, along with his ‘cargo’ of three sexy women that have a supernatural and hypnotic appeal on the male crew members of the ship.

Mudd explains that he is in the business of matching lonely women with wealthy settlers on colony worlds. However, discovering that Mudd is wanted for past criminal offenses, Captain Kirk puts Mudd in the ship’s brig.

After more investigation, the Enterprise crew discover that the mysterious allure of the women is actually due to a potent drug that significantly enhances their physical beauty and attractiveness.

Ultimately, Mudd is able to make a deal with a nearby planet, whereby Kirk must free him and the women in order to get vital dilithium crystals that are urgently needed to repair the Enterprise.

The character of Harry Mudd, a mischievous and charming rogue, became a fan favorite.  Sporting a cartoon-style mustache and a set of eyes that never stop winking and casting sidelong glances, he appeared again in the second season episode, “I, Mudd.”

This was the first time that the series really seemed to lighten up and show us a comedic side after the deadly seriousness of “Charlie X” and “Where No Man Has Gone Before.” 

The story explores themes of self-worth, societal standards of beauty, and the consequences of pursuing superficial ideals, making it a memorable and thought-provoking episode. "Mudd's Women" remains a classic episode, blending sci-fi intrigue with social commentary.

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