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  • Writer's pictureStar Trek Gigi

Star Trek Behind the Scenes: Who does the Laundry?

In our visions of life aboard a starship in the Star Trek universe, we often think of futuristic technology, thrilling adventures, and daring explorations into the unknown. But have you ever wondered, who does the laundry?

Star Trek Laundry

Although Star Trek doesn’t reveal the answer, we can be certain that advanced technology would have significantly simplified this chore. In a utopian future, boring and time-consuming tasks, like doing laundry, would most certainly be a thing of the past.

So, how might cleaning uniforms be done on a 23rd century starship? We can speculate about a couple of possibilities.

Replicator technology: Starfleet ships are equipped with replicators capable of instantly materializing food, beverages, and various objects by reorganizing subatomic particles based on programmed patterns. So, it's conceivable that they could also precisely replicate new uniforms from scratch, as needed.

Transporter technology: A cornerstone of the Star Trek universe, the ship’s transporter disassembles matter at the molecular level and reassembles it elsewhere; a complex process involving detailed molecular scans and precise reconstruction. In theory, soiled garments could be placed in a specialized chamber linked to the ship's transporter system. The clothes would be disassembled, and impurities would be ‘beamed out’. The remaining particles would then be reassembled into pristine uniform condition.

So, while Star Trek may not explicitly showcase laundry day, it's safe to assume that, behind the scenes, the crew members effortlessly enjoy the luxury of clean, fresh uniforms, ensuring they're always ready to embark on their next thrilling adventure.

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