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  • Writer's pictureStar Trek Gigi

The Enterprise Project: Building A Galactic Dream

Life-size Star Trek Enterprise

Launched by Ernesto Luton on October 5, 2020, The Enterprise Project is an exciting initiative to construct a life-sized replica of Star Trek’s USS Enterprise NCC-1701.

This visionary project celebrates the enduring spirit of Star Trek creator Gene Roddenberry and the creative brilliance of Star Trek designer Matt Jefferies. It envisions a vibrant Star Trek theme park and a sustainable community grounded in love, harmony, and the Vulcan philosophy of IDIC, Infinite Diversity in Infinite Combinations.

With nine thriving chapters worldwide and a growing Facebook community, The Enterprise Project has become a hopeful beacon for Trekkies everywhere.

Now in its third year, the project seeks support from scientists, engineers, politicians, investors, actors, and Trekkie celebrities. Notable figures like Russ Haslage (Director of the Federation, initiated by Roddenberry 30 years ago) and Chris Barnardo (Director of the Wand company) have expressed interest, underlining the project's increasing backing from influential individuals in the Star Trek community.

Seeking government backing, The Enterprise Project has also reached out to the White House, with ongoing campaigns to secure national monument status for this ambitious venture.

Contests, challenges and iconic product releases have also been introduced to create excitement and generate positive momentum. Membership opportunities, starting at $60 USD, allow fans to actively contribute to this extraordinary and exciting endeavor.

The Enterprise Project is not merely a fan initiative, it's a celebration of the boundless optimism and unity that Star Trek has inspired for generations.

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🖖😍 Star Trek Gigi

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